Digging For Gold: DNS Enumeration

Digging For Gold: DNS Enumeration

2022, Sep 25    

DNS is the backbone of the Internet; knowing how to enumerate it is a necessary skill for anyone interested in Information Security or networking. Today, we’ll be exploring my favorite ways to probe DNS.

Let’s get into it!

What Is DNS?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. At a high-level, it works like the Internet’s phonebook. I like to think about it like this: humans navigate the Internet using domain names (ex. google.com). These domains have associated IP addresses (ex. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses to make the Internet easily navigable.

The default port for DNS is 53.

Why You Should Enumerate DNS

DNS should be enumerated during every pen test because it can reveal the true extent of an organization’s attack surface. By enumerating DNS, you can gather information and sub-domains that are not available through other enumeration methods. Having a clear idea of the attack surface will save you time and aid you in developing a methodical plan of attack.

So, without further ado, let’s enumerate! I will be using hackthebox.eu for this exercise.

Finding Mail Servers

To find mail servers, use the host command:

host -t mx hackthebox.eu

Example: Using The host Command To Find Mail Servers

Find Mail Servers

Alternatively, the dig command can be used:

dig mx hackthebox.eu

Finding Name Servers

To find nameservers, use the host command:

host -t ns hackthebox.eu

Example: Using The host Command To Find Name Servers

Find Nameservers

Once again, the dig command can be used:

dig ns hackthebox.eu

Finding Subdomains

The following bash script can be used to enumerate subdomains.

for sub in $(cat /path/to/wordlist);do dig $sub.domain.com @DNS_IP | grep -v ';\|SOA' | sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | grep $sub | tee -a subs.txt;done

Note: there are many great tools for subdomain enumeration. Enumerating DNS to find subdomains can be a bit clunky. Use as needed

Useful Nmap Scripts

Nmap is equipped with tons of tools to make your life easier. These are my favorites for enumerating DNS.

To enumerate common service records (SRV):

nmap --script dns-srv-enum --script-args "dns-srv-enum.domain='DOMAIN.COM'"

To enumerate DNS names (also useful for subdomains):

sudo nmap -sU -p 53 TARGET --script dns-nsec-enum --script-args dns-nsec-enum.domains=DOMAIN.COM

Other Useful Tools

I hope you found this post useful! Thanks for giving it a read. Happy hacking! :)