HTB Writeup: Squashed

Squashed is an easy HackTheBox machine created by polarbearer and C4rm310. It involves exploiting NFS,...

6 minute read

HTB Writeup: Lame

Lame is an easy HackTheBox machine created by ch4p. It involves some simple enumeration and...

3 minute read

HTB Writeup: Debugging Interface

Debugging Interface is a HackTheBox challenge created by diogt. It is part of the “Intro...

2 minute read

HTB Writeup: baby BoneChewerCon

To solve this challenge, navigate to the webpage and enter any data in the input...

1 minute read

Welcome! Fancy An Introduction?

Hi, I’m The Hacker Witch! I’m a fifth-year student at Western Governor’s University (previously UCF,...

1 minute read